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Rules and FAQ

At Igloofest, we swear by theses values: Inclusiveness, respect, tolerance, and diversity. There is zero tolerance for homophobia, racism, sexism, transphobia, and xenophobia.

General FAQ

  • Each winter, Igloofest unites thousands of electronic music fans to dance under the stars at Montreal’s Old Port. With its glacial décor and the location’s steel structures, its striking architectural stage design, its programming drawing from the best local and international DJs, and its Igloo village and “Iglooswag” snowsuit costume contest, Igloofest is one of Montreal’s coolest events and one of Canada’s most notable. In short, Montreal’s the place to be in January and February. #Fomo

  • At Jacques-Cartier pier in the Montreal's Old Port.

    Learn more

  • For any and all winter warriors who want to challenge the cold and play outside and lovers of electronic music (or not) 18 years and older. That’s wassup!

  • Igloofest is happening from Thursday to Saturday, from January 16th to February 8th, 2025. Join us from 7:30pm to 11pm on Thursdays, and from 7:30pm to 12:30am on Fridays and Saturdays.

  • Public Transportation

    #favoritetransitoption #sustainabledevelopment #responsiblepartying 

    Igloofest is a few minutes’ walk from the Champs-de-Mars and Place d’Armes Metro stations, on the orange line. Taking the bus is also an option. For all public transit routes and schedules, visit the STM website.

    Intercity Bus

    If you’re coming from further afield, the Montreal Bus Terminal welcomes regional, national and continental busses and is connected to the Berri-UQAM Metro station.


    Whether you’re a driver or passenger, AmigoExpress is there to save you money and help you meet new friends.


    VIA Rail Canada connects over 450 Canadian cities. If you’re coming from the United States, take Amtrak, which offers routes from several American cities to Montréal Central Station, which is connected by walkway to the Bonaventure Metro Station.


    Only 20 minutes from downtown, Montréal-Trudeau International Airport welcomes over 40 of the world’s largest Airlines, with direct flights from over 130 destinations across Canada, the US and overseas.

    Learn more

  • Yes. While there are no reserved sections for people with reduced mobility, accessible toilets are on site. We would also be happy to provide free entry to any guides helping those with reduced mobility. To take advantage of this offer, please visit customer service when you arrive on site.

    Learn more


    • Alcoholic beverages

    Animals, except duly identified and accredited assistance dogs

    • Any other object deemed dangerous or harmful, at the discretion of the organization

    • Bicycles, skateboards, skates

    • Bladed weapons, blunt objects or any item that can be used as a weapon (including chains and even wallet chains and spikes)

    • Drugs and related accessories (except prescription drugs in the original container with the prescription)

    • Equipment, containers or objects activated by compressed air or pressurized propellants.

    • Fireworks, confetti, sparklers or firecrackers

    • Fluorescent safety bibs or clothing

    • Food and drinks

    • Glass containers

    • Laser pointer

    • Motorcycle or bicycle helmet

    • Musical instruments (megaphone, speaker, whistle)

    • No backpacks, cooler bags, sports bags, camping-style or frame bags, regardless of size, will be accepted on site. All other bags whose dimensions exceed 35cm X 35cm X 15.25cm

    • Portable and folding chairs of all kinds

    • Professional cameras (devices with detachable lenses are considered “professional”)

    • Promotional Material and/or flyers in large quantities: It is prohibited to solicit on the site, sell, exhibit, display, or distribute promotional material

    • Small devices allowed only (less than 8 inches).

    • Tents

    • Umbrella

    • Video or audio or video recording equipment of any kind (Drone, Camera stands, selfie stick, tripod or similar item)

    • Wearing war or First Nations headdresses.

    Any person in possession of a prohibited item will be prohibited from entering, unless they voluntarily dispose of this item in the containers provided for this purpose. There is no locker room or place to place items in lockers.

    • Photo ID (license, passport, health insurance card)
    • Reusable bottle
    • Clothing adapted to the temperature (hat, gloves and boots necessary for an incredible evening)
    • Small umbrella
    • Small bags (they will be searched upon entry)
  • Under the new law...

    • smoking or vaping cannabis is now prohibited in all public places;
    • since January 1st, 2020, buying or possessing cannabis is prohibited under 21 years old.
  • During your next visit to the event, go to the Videotron convenience store in the village to check if we have found your item. If this is not the case, you can fill out a form with your information and the description of your lost item.

    Igloofest is not responsible for stolen or broken items. Please keep your personal effects with you at all times.

    Learn more

  • We now only accept payment by credit and debit card on the entire site.

  • Pour s’assurer qu’on parle le même langage, on reprend la définition du consentement formulée par le ministère de la Justice du Canada (2022): « le consentement consiste à donner son accord volontairement pour s’engager dans une activité sexuelle. » En pratique, ça concerne autant les contacts sexuels caliente que les baisers, les rapprochements ou quand tu veux palper ses bottes pour voir si c’est de la vraie fourrure. Respecter le consentement, c’est aussi respecter l’espace des gens.

    Par contre, demander le consentement d’une personne ne te le donne pas automatiquement. Il faut aussi que tu attendes et que tu respectes sa réponse, qu’elle soit positive ou négative. Donc, si tu envoies « skier » la personne parce qu’elle t’a dit non, tu ne respectes pas son consentement. 

  • Lorsqu’une personne consent, son accord est donné de manière libre, claire et enthousiaste. Pas de manière forcée ou sous l’influence de consommations. Le consentement clair, c’est un « yessir mon yeti ! » et le non-consentement, ça peut être un « non » ou une personne qui ne dit rien ou qui semble éviter de répondre.

    Si tu as un doute, ça signifie probablement que la personne ne consent pas. Et que fait-on si une personne dit non ? On accepte sa réponse, on lui redonne son espace et on profite du festival avec nos ami·e·s. Easy breasy.

  • C’est important de valider le consentement pour s’assurer de respecter les limites de chaque personne. On s’assure que tout le monde s’amuse ensemble dans un espace sécuritaire. C’est pas merveilleux tout ça?

    D’autant plus qu’il se peut que les personnes autour de nous (et nous-mêmes) consomment et ça demande de faire un brin plus attention à l’espace et aux limites des autres. L’alcool n’est jamais une excuse pour ne pas respecter le consentement des autres ou pour avoir les mitaines un peu trop baladeuses.

  • Une personne ne respecte pas ton consentement? Tu te sens inconfortable ou tout simplement pas bien pour une autre raison? We got you ! Tu peux faire appel à nos ressources :

    • Les intervenant·e·s du GRIP sont sur place en tout temps à notre espace Scéna intérieur. Le GRIP est un groupe de recherche et d'intervention psychosociale ciblant à réduire les risques liés à la consommation en milieu festif. Ici, y’a pas de jugement, juste du soutien et de l’accompagnement.

    • Tu peux aussi t’adresser à un·e membre de notre équipe de sécurité pour recevoir de l’aide ou pour t’aider à localiser l’équipe du GRIP.

  • Yes! We have many food trucks available!