Being a passholder has its advantages. In addition to ensuring your access to the evenings and getting priority access to the site, passholders also have access to POST-SKI parties after the event on Saturdays.
What's the POST-SKI? A new addition this year. It's like when, after a big day of skiing, you warm you up and have a hot chocolate around the fireplace. Except that this time, it will be after a big evening of dancing you're going to warm up by continuing to party! Oh yeah. Every Saturday of the event, until 3am, we’ll be hosting one of these right on the Igloofest site. A kind of afterparty, as we call them in the biz. These afterparties are a special series as part of our 10–year celebrations. A special gift for our fans! After listening to the set of your life, all you have to do is direct you to the Pavilion, where you will be asked to show your pass. Inside, you will recover a DJ booth, alcohol to warm you, and an atmosphere that will shock your socks off. Deal?
If a post-ski party speaks to you, and you don’t yet have your pass, buy one now. IGLOOPASS, IGLOO4X, IGLOOVIP are all keys to this special celebration!
If you already have your pass, then it's an appointment. #fomo